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Integration with CipherTrust Manager


Integration with CipherTrust Manager

To integrate MySQL with the CipherTrust Manager:

  1. Configure the okvclient.ora File

  2. Configure the keyring conf Directory

  3. Test the Configuration

Configure the okvclient.ora File

Create and configure the okvclient.ora client file.

cd /var/lib/mysql/mysql-keyring-okv
touch okvclient.ora

The okvclient.ora file conatins lines similar to the following.

cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql-keyring-okv

Configure the keyring conf Directory

To set up the keyring conf directory:

  1. Add the paths of the library and okvclient.ora configuration file to the my.cnf file using:

    early-plugin-load =
    keyring_okv_conf_dir = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-keyring-okv
  2. Restart the mysql service using systemctl restart mysqld.

Test the Configuration

  1. Create a new user and grant all privileges to the user.

    CREATE USER 'TestUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '********';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'TestUser'@'localhost';
  2. Log on to MySQL as “TestUser”, and create a database called Players and a table named BaseballPlayers.

    mysql -u TestUser –p
    create database Players;
    use Players;
    CREATE table BaseballPlayers (lastname varchar(16), firstname varchar(12), position varchar(16));
  3. Insert some sample data into the table BaseballPlayers.

    INSERT INTO BaseballPlayers ( firstname, lastname, position ) values ('John','Doe','Outfield' );
    INSERT INTO BaseballPlayers ( firstname, lastname, position ) values ('Joe','Smith','Pitcher' );
    INSERT INTO BaseballPlayers ( firstname, lastname, position ) values ('Willie','Mays', 'Outfield' );
  4. Encrypt the table.

    ALTER TABLE BaseballPlayers ENCRYPTION='Y';

This generates your master encryption key on the CipherTrust Manager and completes your integration. Move to the next section to verify your integration.